Making Denials Management Simple page background by Healthrise
Optimized Nurse Staffing. Made Simple.

Demand Workforce

Demand Workforce is a cloud-based app that optimizes and simplifies how your charge and staff nurses fill available shifts.

Deliver Immediate Results

Increase shift fill rates. Improve employee satisfaction and retention rates.


Optimize Existing Staff

Simplify your nurse staffing processes and reduce stress at work. Utilize your existing staff and eliminate unnecessary disruptions.


Reduce Labor Costs

Reduce agency costs and reliance on 3rd parties by utilizing fast and efficient cloud-based app scheduling.


Improve Patient Satisfaction

Transform the way you fill open shifts. Deliver better patient experiences with well-staffed facilities.

Experience the Difference

Demand Workforce

All credentialed staff nurses will receive a shift notification on their phone, and within a few clicks, the shift is filled.

  • Provide instant access to available shifts
  • Customize shift preferences and notifications
  • Improve staff work-life balance and boost morale
  • Use existing staff to fill open shifts
  • Reduce outsourcing costs by more than 50%
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Qodex Product Suite

Raise Your Expectations. Improve Your Results.


  • Dynamic Alerts
  • HotSpot Modeling
  • Tracking Software

Quality Audit + Productivity

  • Custom Configurations
  • Software Integrations
  • Reporting Suite

Revenue Cycle

  • KPI Performance Dashboards
  • Payer Scorecards
  • In-House Analytics Programs
Denials Management page background by Healthrise
Technology & Analytics Powered by Qodex

Transform Your
Revenue Cycle

Actionable insights to drive better operational and financial outcomes.